Nigeria-Kina valutaswap: Aktivistadvokat anklager IMF og Verdensbanken for 'Økonomisk sabotage' for at fremme US Dollar, Opfordrer Nigeria til at slutte sig til BRICS

Nigerian human rights activist and lawyer, Femi Falana, has accused the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) of sabotaging the currency swap arrangement between China and Nigeria. Falana said the Nigerian central bank and the two global financial

Voyager Digital giver opdatering om refusionsplan for kreditorer

Following Binance’s withdrawal from the Voyager Digital deal on April 25, the now-defunct crypto lender has recently informed creditors that they can expect to receive their initial cash and crypto distributionswithin the next few weeks.This update comes nine days

ESG-analytiker Daniel Batten afslører dynamiske diagrammer, der viser Bitcoins 52.6% Bæredygtig energianvendelse

Environmental, social, og styring (ESG) analyst Daniel Batten said Tuesday that the computational backbone of the Bitcoin network now uses 52.6% sustainable energy. Batten and onchain analyst Willy Woo created Dynamic Bitcoin ESG Charts to showcase the protocol’s progress. Contrary to

Zambia tester teknologi til regulering af kryptovaluta - Regeringsminister

The Bank of Zambia and the country’s securities regulators are currently testing the technology to regulate cryptocurrencies, a Zambian government minister has said. According to Felix Mutati, cryptocurrency is a revolutionary technology that embodies a future his country desires to achieve….

Kenyansk AI og Blockchain Startup modtager investeringer fra schweizisk VC-firma

Fastagger Inc, an artificial intelligence and blockchain startup from Kenya, recently revealed that it had received an investment from the Swizterland-based blockchain investor CVVC. Mutembei Kariuki, said the investment will be used to fund the further develop Fastagger’scutting-edge technology expertise”…

Storbritannien annoncerer planer for 'robuste' kryptoregler, Lancerer konsultation

The U.K. has unveiled “ambitious plans” to “robustly regulate” various crypto activities, while seeking to protect customers and grow its economy. In the next three months, British authorities will accept public feedback on the new regulatory proposals designed to govern digital

Det sydafrikanske tvistbilæggelseskontor siger, at det nu overvejer krypto-relaterede klager

According to South Africa’s Office of the FAIS Ombud, an independent dispute resolution office, individuals with crypto-related grievances that occurred after Oct. 19, 2022, can now formally submit such complaints on the agency’s website. Imidlertid, the Office of the FAIS Ombud

Huobi fyringer sætter gang i kontroverser og spekulationer, Justin Sun hævder, at alt er fint

The cryptocurrency exchange Huobi is laying off 20% of its employees, according to multiple reports over the past two days. Imidlertid, Huobi’s advisor Justin Sun, grundlæggeren af ​​Tron, told the South China Morning Post that the layoff reports were untrue….

Geminis Cameron Winklevoss insisterer på, at Digital Currency Group skal løse likviditetsproblemer i åbent brev til CEO Barry Silbert

Cameron Winklevoss, medstifter af kryptovalutabørsen Gemini, offentliggjort et åbent brev til Digital Currency Group (DCG) CEO Barry Silbert den jan. 2, 2022, med angivelse af, at det havde været 47 dage siden tilbagetrækninger fra Første Mosebog var blevet standset. I brevet,…

Rapport: Den nigerianske centralbank brugte over $1.8 Milliarder, der administrerer lokal valuta

Under hendes optræden for nigerianske lovgivere, Aisha Ahmed, viceguvernøren for Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), fortalte lovgiverne, at ud af næsten $1.8 milliarder brugt til at styre den lokale valuta, over 90% af denne sum blev angiveligt brugt…